Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Current Location: Mom's house, Diamond Springs

I  recently did a search to see if there was a service like Netflix for books, because I thought if there wasn't there ought to be.  I found, and shortly thereafter signed up for, a book rental service called Bookswim.  My mom keeps telling me how expensive it seems, but she never takes me to the library anymore, and this is cheaper than getting all my reading material at the bookstore.  Besides, the one we go to most often is a Borders, which is going out of business.  And this way I can read the books and then decide if I want to keep them.

Anyway, today I have a package of two books to mail back, and I can't just put it in the mailbox because the whole street has a sort of communal mailbox thing, with an outgoing mail slit barely large enough for a standard-size envelope.  So I got to wondering if I could maybe walk to the post office, and I looked at Google Maps to see where the nearest one was.  And it told me. . . right at the end of the street.

The red circle is where the mailbox is.

That is practically visible from my house.  How could I never have noticed it?  Of course, we do always turn in the opposite direction right there. . . .  Still, it seems unlikely.  I had better go investigate.

Photos I Shouldn't Keep But Don't Want to Get Rid Of

Current Location: Dad's house, Rio Linda

Well, I never finished this post and I never will, as all those photos are gone now anyway.