Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Current Location: Dad's house, Rio Linda

  We had some trouble with our internet provider, and were on pay-by-the-hour dialup for at least a week and a half.  So I was using the internet as little as possible and now I have some catching up to do.  I intend to backdate those entries as I post them, so that everything will be in chronological order by when it happened, not when I typed it up.  Sorry if this confuses anyone.

  Here's what I did today: more shopping.  Apparently it was a holiday of some sort, so the Goodwills were having 50% off sales on all donated items.  At the first one we went to, I tried on practically every pair of linen pants in the store, having decided it was stupid to try to make every piece of my Halloween costume from scratch in two weeks.  Here's what I ended up with:
The Chinese shirt and giant top hat were impulse buys.  The one will be painted or distressed or something and hopefully sold for Nova Albion, the other is for the party and may look well atop the sarcophagus or a lamp.

  Then we went to THRIFT STORE St. Vincent de Paul's.  I tried on several things including a corduroy jumpsuit from their Halloween area which could have been quite fun if only it stretched as much vertically as horizontally.  I bought a shirt.

  Goodwill number two was just as crowded as the first, which is to say very, with most of the population being in the line leading up to their count-'em three registers.  My father reiterated his opinion that they should have everyone take numbers and shop while they wait, although at that point I was so hungry I didn't want to wait either way.  He bought a shopping cart full of lighting equipment, mostly track lights for which we have no track.  I tried on a pair of size 8 1/2 boots which miraculously I was able to jam my feet into without it being too uncomfortable.  I wore them nearly the entire time we were in the store.  However, when we got to the register, it turned out that since they were in the Halloween section, they were not 50% off.  I decided if I was going to pay $20 for a pair of boots, I wanted a pair that fit.  Unfortunately no photos this time, but they were black knee-highs with ribbon lacing up the front and zippers on the sides, and said Fiori on the soles.  Here's what I did get:
Another Chinese shirt, this one for me, at least until I decide its hugeness outweighs its piratical look, a shirt/vest/thing, a shirt for my costume, an embroidered velvet jacket which I will have to give buttons as currently it closes with a ribbon through two button holes (I'm trying to decide whether sewing buttonholes on both sides and making interchangeable cufflink/stud/buttons would be worth it), and yet more steampunkable shoes.

  And here's what I wore today; a different sort of odd.

Mismatched earrings - how shocking!

  Upon arriving home and listening to the phone messages, I discovered that today was the day, according to the new plan, when my mother was supposed to have picked me up if she was not too tired after her weekend trip - I had completely lost track.  At any rate, she was too tired, so we will have to come up with a new new plan.

  In other news, my watch has stopped and there's a hole in my sock.  I wonder if I should learn to darn?

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