Monday, November 15, 2010


Current Location: Dad's house, Rio Linda

  I just received a response to Saturday's e-mail:

Thank you for the photos & the detail! I think in pullet points, so here we go:

YES to:
  • Goggles: The opera goggles sound good, especially if they're sized smaller like traditional opera glasses - I don't think we have anything like that yet. The other pair of goggles will be OK as well
  • JEWELRY: I really like the idea of specifically "Eastern-themed steampunk jewelry" and I like the (brooch? Pin?) of the Asian lady with the gears... very interesting and different! That is really the only jewelry we can add to the vendor room at this point.
  • GLOVES: The gloves are OK (not a lot of them) - hand-painted like the socks would be great!
  • CLOTHING: I love the socks! The other clothing item that would work are the Chinese dresses you mentioned - again, if you did the hand-painted gears or some such, to steam them up a bit. Breeches might be interesting as well.
  • SKETCHES: The accessories you described & sketched all sound great
NO to:

  • CLOTHING: Please don't bring any spats, gaiters, corsets, bustles, coats, vests, skirts, shirts, etc - we do already have enough (and more) of these items
  • HATS: The first hat, particularly, is very lovely - but we honestly have too many hats already, (and enough bonnets and caps as well), so I have to say no to bringing any more
  • JEWELRY: Please no pearl/bead chokers or earrings, as we already have some.
  • CUFFS & Other non-Steampunk Wear: The guitar cuffs really don't fit the aesthetic we're looking for - we'd like to stick to Steampunk and Eastern-inspired Steampunk as much as possible, without going too far afield
  • DISGUISES: I don't quite see where these fit in, so I'm going to say no to the vacuum-formed items
Thanks so much again - hopefully I've left you enough latitude to be able to bring some great stuff, without crowding existing items. See you in March if not before!

  She's set me quite a challenge as far as filling up my third of the booth goes.  No paper corsets or polarfleece frock coats or spats or clothing of any kind except Chinese dresses.  Eastern-themed jewelry ONLY.  Not a lot of gloves?  How many is a lot?  No hats at all, despite the probability that NO ONE will be selling Edwardians.  But apparently the no goggles rule is out the window (now I want to make tiny opera goggles as well as the enormous ones I had planned).  And apparently she really likes my socks.  Hat and arm bands are go, but vacuum-formed items are a no - because she doesn't know what CATEGORY they fit in?

  So I guess I have to figure out how many of these time-consuming projects I can make before March.  And as for the paper corsets, polarfleece frock coats, Edwardian hats, "disguises", and any jewelry that isn't Eastern-flavored, well, I'm making 'em anyway, because there's always Etsy.

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